Privacy Policy



We want everyone who signs up to the “Volunteers on the Net” platform to feel welcome and to know that the personal data they share with us is safe. This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as: ” Privacy Policy “) serves to present to you how we process, i.e. collect, use and store your personal data (which is data that distinguishes you from all others, such as, for example, your name, surname, your address, your phone number, but also any other information that says something about you ).

This Privacy Policy may change in the future, so please remember to check back from time to time to see if there are any changes. In the event of any change to the Privacy Policy, we will clearly state the change on our website, and possibly in other ways.

Our mission is to treat you openly and with full respect. Therefore, we encourage you to read more below about how we will take care of your personal data, and to know that their protection is as important to us as it is to you.

Who are we?

We are the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF in Serbia, at 58 Svetozara Markovića Street, in Belgrade. Our core business is the rights and welfare of children. Our goal is for all children to reach their full potential. You can read more about us on the website .

The “Volunteers online” platform was launched in 2020, within the framework of cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia and UNICEF and contributes to easier connection, information and volunteer involvement of young people in Serbia. It enables young people in Serbia, up to the age of 30, to more easily get involved in volunteering activities by connecting legal entities where volunteering takes place and young people who are willing to volunteer.

With respect to your personal data that we collect through the “Volunteers Online” platform, we will be the Controller of that data (hereafter referred to as ” Controller ” or ” we “). As the Operator, we determine:

  • what personal data of yours do we need;
  • why we will ask you for that personal data (the so-called “processing purpose”);
  • whether or not we will share that personal data with anyone else, and if so, for what reasons;
  • how long your data will be kept.

We are committed to protecting your personal data and make every effort to ensure that your personal data is processed in a fair, open and transparent manner.

How we collect personal data from you

We collect information and personal data from you in the following ways:

  1. When you visit the website ht tps:// – we use “cookies” (“cookies” in English) in order to improve the functionality of the website and monitor website visit statistics. You can find more details about this in our Cookie Policy;
  2. When you register on the platform for volunteering – then you will leave us your name, contact email address and some other information;
  3. The platform has the possibility to log in via the social networks “Facebook”, “Linkedin”, “Instragram”, as well as via a Google account. In the event that you register in such a way, there is an option to just transfer your personal data that you have in the mentioned databases to the platform.

The privacy policy for social networks “Facebook” and “Instragram” can be found on the website:

The privacy policy of the social network “Linkedin” can be found on the website: ;

The privacy policy of the search engine “Google” can be found on the website:

During your use of the website of the “Volunteers on the Net” platform, we can obtain the IP address (English Internet Protocol address is a unique number, similar to a telephone number, used by machines (most often computers) in mutual traffic via the Internet using the Internet Protocol) of the device from which you access the page, as well as some other information related to your access, such as the date and time of access, the internet browser you use and the name of your internet provider. The IP address may (or may not) identify you and therefore we will treat it like any other personal data of yours.

Wherever possible, we use information that does not refer to specific persons and that does not identify individual visitors to our website (such information is also called anonymized).

The personal data we collect and why we use it

Personal data

The personal data we collect from you is limited to your name, surname, year of birth, email address, city of residence, gender, IP address. You can also provide us with information from your short biography, mobile phone number, and your photo. In addition, we collect the name and address of the parent/legal representative of the minor volunteer. We collect this data exclusively in the manner and at the time described in the previous section of this Privacy Policy.

In exceptional situations, if during volunteering it is established that your life and health are in danger , the Operator will forward all the necessary information obtained from you to the police and/or other competent authorities.

The purpose for which we need your personal data

We need your data exclusively for the purpose of organizing your volunteer work on a task that you have voluntarily accepted, sharing relevant information and invitations within the platform, issuing a volunteer certificate, at the volunteer’s request, and for the summary display of volunteering results for research purposes.

We need each of your personal data listed here for the following reasons:

  • We need your first and last name, email address, city of residence, mobile phone number, and information from your short biography in order to contact you, create your profile as a volunteer within the platform, as well as for easier mediation in finding optimal volunteering. for you on the platform, as well as in all other relevant circumstances related to the “Volunteers Online” platform;
  • we record your year of birth and gender primarily for the purpose of collecting statistical data on the gender and age of persons who participated in volunteering within the “Volunteers on the Net” platform, as well as for the purpose of requesting consent from the legal representative for minors under the age of 15;
  • We collect the IP address automatically when any user uses the “Volunteers on the Net” platform, so your IP address becomes visible when you visit the “Volunteers on the Net” website;
  • the name and address of the parent/legal guardian are required to request consent from the legal guardian for minors under the age of 15.

The Operator does not use the provided personal data for other purposes, and prevents their possible misuse with the built-in protection system.

Special personal data

Special personal data are particularly sensitive data such as data about your health condition, sexual life and sexual orientation, religious orientation, racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, and other data provided for by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of the RS No. 87/2018, hereinafter referred to as “the Law”) in its Article 17.

We hereby confirm that through the “Volunteers on the Net” platform, we do not collect or process any special data about your personality, or anyone else’s, if you present or communicate it in any way.

Legal basis for collecting personal data

All your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy and based on your consent to the processing of your personal data , which you give us before starting the collection of your personal data and after you familiarize yourself with this Privacy Policy.

Consent is given through the so-called “tick-the-box” procedure and without this consent you will not be able to register on the platform.

We inform you that, in accordance with the Law, you can give this consent on your own from the age of 15, and if you are under 15, we have the obligation to ask for the consent of your parents or legal representatives.

The operator takes reasonable measures in order to determine whether consent was given by a parent exercising parental rights, or another legal representative of a minor, taking into account the available technologies.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time. After revocation of consent, the processing of your personal data is prohibited and will be deleted. The revocation of consent does not, however, affect the permissibility of personal data processing prior to the revocation. In case of withdrawal of consent, further processing of your personal data will be suspended and the use of cookies will be disabled.


When you first visit the website of the “Volunteers online” platform, we will ask for your consent to include those cookies (and to process all personal data collected with these cookies) that are not necessary for the platform site to function – so you will be able to set your choice of cookies when his first visit. When cookies are strictly necessary, we will not ask for your consent because we believe we have a legitimate interest in processing the personal data they collect .

You can always withdraw your consent by deleting cookies from the cache on your computer or other device and refusing to enable them the next time you visit the platform.

For more information about our use of cookies, the different types of cookies, the information they collect and further information on how you can control the types of cookies placed on your browser, see our Cookie Policy.

Sharing your data with others

The personal data we collect from you in accordance with the Privacy Policy will not be shared with anyone else and only the authorized person of the Handler and the authorized person of the Processor will have access to it (which will be discussed further).

For the correct operation of the website of the “Volunteers on the Net” platform, external service providers are engaged:

  • site maintenance service provider;
  • website hosting service provider.

We will hereinafter refer to these external service providers as ” Personal Data Processors ” or ” Processors “.

As the Processors will have access to the data collected when using the platform, we confirm that we have signed a special contract with them, which guarantees that they will store your data with the same care as us, in accordance with the Law and this Privacy Policy.

Since the server on which your personal data is stored may be located outside our country, we have ensured that the location of such a server can only be in those countries that have an adequate level of protection of personal data, in accordance with all applicable regulations.

When it comes to personal data that can be shared through cookies, the only thing that can be considered such data is the IP address from which you access the site. Because of the nature of cookies, the user’s IP address may end up outside the so-called of the “safe” countries that we mentioned a moment ago, we made sure that in those cases an appropriate level of data protection is ensured, which is equal to the level guaranteed by the Law and other applicable regulations.

Sharing data in accordance with the law

With the exception of the Processor, your personal data will be made available to other recipients only if we are obliged to do so by some law or other regulation in the Republic of Serbia (such as the case when it is established that you or a person close to you is in danger of life and health, as we stated in section 3 of the Privacy Policy).

Keeping your personal information safe

We apply appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use, alteration, destruction and loss. Some of these measures are:

  • limited access : only authorized persons of the Controller can access your data. To ensure this, these individuals will only access the data with knowledge of a password that is changed periodically and that respects current industry recommendations regarding password formation (combination of upper and lower case letters, characters, appropriate length, etc.). The same restrictions will apply to authorized persons of the Processor (who will only have access to your name, email address and IP address of your device) according to the “Need to Know” principle (that is, only those persons whose work with the Processor requires it have access);
  • anonymization : wherever possible, we will apply an additional form of protection of your data through pseudonymization (your data will not be understandable to anyone who does not have the so-called “key” for breaking the code) or cryptoprotection;

and all other measures necessary to protect your personal data.

The website of the “Volunteers Online” platform may contain links to other websites. Although we try to link only to websites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites.

Always keep in mind that websites or advertisers that have links on our site may collect your personal information. This Privacy Policy and consent to processing refer only to the aforementioned processing of your personal data on the platform and do not apply to the practice of other websites or advertisers, as well as to the processing of other types of data.

Period of storage of personal data

The personal data we collect from you in accordance with this Privacy Policy will be stored until the purpose for which the platform was created is fulfilled. After that, the personal data will be permanently deleted.

If you yourself withdraw your personal data from the platform, your personal data will also be permanently deleted.

Your rights

You have many rights regarding your personal data held by us. We have listed them below to make it clearer for you:

  • Right to access your personal data : You have the right to request access to a copy of the personal data we hold about you, together with information about:
    • which of your personal data we use,
    • why we use them
    • with whom we share them,
    • how long we keep them,
    • that you have the right to correction, deletion, restriction of processing, objection and complaint to the Commissioner (more about these rights below),
    • and whether your data is used for any automated decision-making.

Requesting access is free.

  • Right to object : If you think something is wrong with how we treat your personal data, you can object at any time. Please contact us at the email address or phone numbers listed below, and in that case provide as many details as possible about your complaint.
  • Right to withdraw consent : As we have already informed you in this Privacy Policy, we process your data based on your consent (except for the situation with necessary cookies, as stated in section 4 of this Privacy Policy). You can withdraw your consent at any time, in which case we stop further processing your personal data. Please keep in mind that if you exercise this right, it does not mean that we collected and held your personal data illegally before withdrawing your consent, and this will not affect the earlier processing that was carried out in accordance with your consent.
  • The right to correct your personal data : You can ask us to change or supplement any inaccurate or incomplete personal data stored about you.
  • The right to delete your personal data : You can ask us to delete your personal data if we no longer need them for the purpose for which we collected them (for the purpose of processing, return to section 3), if you have withdrawn your consent, or in in any other case when you ask us to do so, and we will act on the same request without undue delay.
  • The right to portability of your personal data : You can ask us to transfer to you or to someone else all or some of the personal data we have about you, in a way and in a form that can be easily transferred.
  • The right to restrict the processing of your personal data : If you do not want us to delete your personal data in accordance with your right to deletion, you can ask us to restrict their processing. In this case, we will suspend all activities related to your personal data, until the resolution of your request regarding further handling.
  • Automated decision-making and profiling : Automated decision-making and profiling occurs when a computer uses your personal data to make a decision without human intervention. We inform you that this type of decision-making is not applied to your personal data that we collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, we are obliged to inform you that you have the right not to be subjected to automated decisions (including profiling) that will have any significant impact on you, unless you have given us your explicit consent to do so, if such decision-making necessary for the performance of the contract between you and us or otherwise permitted by the Law and other applicable regulations. We repeat that we currently do not implement any automatic decision-making (including profiling), nor do we intend to do so in the future.

If you want to exercise any of these rights, file a complaint, or get additional information about us and how we take care of the personal data entrusted to us, you can do so by contacting our colleague, Valentina Antić, who is our Personal Data Protection Officer, via the following contact details:

Valentina Antić – Personal Data Protection Officer

Email address:

Phone numbers: +381 69 2019063

In order to make sure that you are behind the submitted request, we may ask you for some proof of identity before acting on it. If you reveal or otherwise make available some personal data during such submission of proof of identity, we inform you that such personal data will not be stored anywhere, but will be deleted as soon as we make sure that you are really behind the submitted request.

In our country, there is an institution that, among other things, deals with the protection of personal data of all citizens of Serbia. That institution is called the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data (in the following text we will call him the “Commissioner”, and you can see more about what this body does at ). If you have a complaint regarding the collection and processing of your personal data, you can immediately and directly contact the Commissioner at the email address .

Your obligations

As a person whose personal data is being processed, you have the obligation to enter only accurate data about yourself on the platform. Also, you have the obligation to update the data, that is, to enter new facts on the platform that relate to you, which in particular refers to entering/reporting the fact that you have reached the age of majority, and all this at the time when those facts appear.